Supply Chain

Hydro Ottawa regularly seeks out suppliers and contractors of products and/or services. Contractual agreements are awarded on the basis of merit, with a preference for local procurement.

We encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt responsible business practices, and require them to adhere to our health, safety and environmental standards when working for Hydro Ottawa.

Invoicing and Payments

All invoices should be emailed to [email protected].

Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT) are available by request. The Electronic Funds Transfer Application form must be completed and submitted to Hydro Ottawa along with a void cheque. EFTs are only available to Canadian suppliers and contractors.

We pay suppliers and contractors in accordance with agreed terms.

Terms and Conditions

All purchases of goods and services are subject to terms and conditions, unless otherwise covered by an executed agreement. Details pertaining to purchase order changes, delivery, insurance, payment terms, confidentiality and other important details are outlined in the following documents:

Contractors (Construction or Industrial Maintenance)

Contractors that conduct construction or industrial maintenance work for Hydro Ottawa that is considered medium or high risk are required to obtain a successful assessment of their OHSE programs and performance. Hydro Ottawa has authorized ISN to complete the assessment and monitor contractor performance on Hydro Ottawa’s behalf. Contractors shall obtain a C grade status prior to commencement of any work and shall maintain a C grade status for the duration of the work.

  • Level 3 (High Risk):Two or more Level 2 (Medium Risk) activities occur during a project, or any one of the following activities occurs during a project:
    • diving operations;
    • work involving polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); and/or
    • work involving environmental spill remediation.
  • Level 2 (Medium Risk):Any one of the following activities occurs during a project:
    • work on/in proximity to energized apparatus greater than 300 volts;
    • work at heights of three metres or greater, or working from ladders where the user’s feet are more than one meter from the ground/floor;
    • excavation/trenching greater than four feet in depth;
    • mechanical excavation directly below overhead/within proximity of energized apparatus;
    • mechanical lifting/hoisting;
    • transportation of oil filled or contaminated equipment or hazardous materials/designated substances;
    • working with oil filled or contaminated equipment or hazardous materials/designated substances;
    • hot work;
    • work in traffic;
    • confined space work.

To obtain additional details about ISNetworld and to subscribe, please contact the ISN Customer Service Team at (800) 976-1303 or Contractors who are already subscribed to ISN do not need to re-subscribe, but will be required to make their information available to Hydro Ottawa via ISNetworld.

Subscribing to and maintaining documentation and performance information in ISNetworld is a condition of receiving and retaining award of work, whether or not the work was awarded as part of a competitive process.

Asset Management Standards
According to Hydro Ottawa’s Strategic Asset Management Plan IAS0003: 

“In order to continually improve, Hydro Ottawa is aligning the asset management processes and practices with the ISO 55001 standard. This ensures that strategic asset decision-making processes achieve a balanced weighting of cost, risk and asset performance that meet or exceed service level expectations of customers; comply with the terms of applicable acts, licences and codes; improve asset value and resource efficiency; and minimize health, safety and environmental impacts.”

Proponents for Hydro Ottawa business in goods or services are expected to be partners with us in this process to further these goals. Demonstrated experience in an ISO 55001 milieu will be preferred.


If you have any questions, contact [email protected]. Please allow five to ten business days for a response.

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