Hydro Ottawa’s millennial workforce doubles: Utility a top employer for young people

February 8, 2018

A decade ago, Hydro Ottawa launched an initiative to attract and retain the next generation of workers. This workforce renewal has succeeded in attracting young talent, doubling the number of employees under 35 to 32 percent.

As a result, Hydro Ottawa was named one of Canada’s Top Employers for Young People for the fifth consecutive year.

The utility’s Youth Council, robust summer and coop student programs, career development opportunities and trades apprenticeship training are creating an attractive workplace for millennials. Chaired by the company’s CEO, the Youth Council gives employees under 30 a voice and addresses issues such as recruiting and retaining talent, employee engagement and career planning.

Quick Facts

  • The company’s Youth Council was created to generate insight on issues involving or affecting youth at Hydro Ottawa, and to improve networking opportunities for young professionals within the company. 
  • Over the last decade, Hydro Ottawa has seen a quarter of its employees retire, with another 40 percent eligible to retire over the next ten years.
  • 21 percent of Hydro Ottawa’s trades workforce are apprentices.
  • Hydro Ottawa offers a formal coaching program as well as training and development programs that support young people to grow within the company.


“We are invested in our future, and our future lies with the growing numbers of young, talented, individuals we continue to attract at Hydro Ottawa. This is why, for the fifth year in a row, Hydro Ottawa has been recognized as one of Canada’s Top Employers for Young People. We are committed to continuing to work to attract young people to our company so they can share their passion, skills and enthusiasm with us and help us become an even better, more innovative company.”

- Bryce Conrad, President and Chief Executive Officer

Media Contact

Daniel Séguin
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 2345
[email protected]

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