Crews to work throughout night to restore power across city

January 4, 2017

Hydro Ottawa crews will work throughout the night to restore power to our customers affected by this winter storm. Last night’s freezing rain and snow, coupled with today’s winds, have damaged electrical equipment in more than one hundred locations.

As of 4 p.m., a total of 96 outages are reported, impacting 4,380 customers. Crews are working to restore power to those affected in small pockets across the city. Many of the outages noted above affect fewer than 10 customers. 

Today, crews responded to a multitude of calls, including one which closed O’Connor Street for the majority of the day. In addition to all available employees, Hydro Ottawa contracted 35 arborists to work on tree trimming and clearing overhead lines across the city. Other employees assisted by identifying downed lines and broken equipment.

Hydro Ottawa will continue to post information regarding these ongoing outages on our website,, on Facebook, and on Twitter at @hydroottawa.

Media Contact

Daniel Séguin
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 345
[email protected]

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