Ottawa Retrofit Accelerator

Ottawa Retrofit Accelerator

Unlock free expert guidance, comprehensive support services, and exclusive funding opportunities to enable your building’s energy transformation through deep retrofits.

Ready to get started?

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Reducing building emissions

Buildings are the largest source of emissions in Ottawa

Helping more buildings implement deep retrofits will significantly reduce building emissions, while enabling a wide range of other benefits including improved occupant comfort, as well as lower life cycle and operating costs. At Hydro Ottawa, we understand the need to reduce carbon emissions in a way that makes sense for your business or organization.

That’s why we’re proud to have been selected by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to deliver the Ottawa Retrofit Accelerator, a $10 million program running until 2027. The program provides an ecosystem of support services to help streamline the deep retrofit process, improve building efficiencies, and cut emissions. The best part? You can access our support services at no cost.

Unlock deep retrofits to enable your building's carbon reduction transformation with:

Experts in your corner to help guide your transformation, at any stage
Potential for exclusive funding for carbon pathway studies
Access to a comprehensive library of planning tools and training opportunities for you and your team
A network of trusted professionals, industry leaders, and peers
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Support services are available at any stage

Wherever you are on your carbon reduction journey, our experts are here to help.

Wherever you are on your carbon reduction journey, our experts are here to help.

Retrofit stages

Consultation and decision-making

Gain the insights and information to help inform your decisions and direction.

Energy benchmarking

Streamline your energy data gathering and evaluation process for an improvement baseline.

Carbon pathway studies

Access our industry partners and potential funding for carbon pathway studies to analyze your building's carbon footprint, identify emission reduction strategies and funding sources to make it happen.

Capital planning review

Review existing capital plans, equipment replacement schedules, and more to create a replacement strategy that leverages scheduled or planned work and asset life cycle.

Goal setting and planning

Work with us to set strategic goals and develop a business case for stakeholder buy-in.

Identify programs and funding

Leverage our expertise to identify suitable funding, incentives, grants, and financing options for your retrofit.

Project execution

Connect with our network of trusted professionals to bring your vision to life, - or let us assist you in collaborating with your preferred project partners.

Monitoring and verification

We’ll help you track your progress and identify any deviations or areas of improvement for adjustments and optimization.

Documentation and certification

Count on us to support your project teams to document your achievements - whether for internal reporting, to tell your story, or to pursue certifications to showcase your commitment to sustainability.

Continuous improvement

Use our ongoing performance review and optimization support to identify new opportunities for continuous improvement. Our capacity-building initiatives offer access to tools, best practices, and networks tailored to your needs, ensuring you have the knowledge, support, and resources necessary for long-term success.

Tap into funding for carbon pathway studies

You could be eligible for exclusive funding covering up to 75 per cent of your costs, or even 90 per cent in certain cases.

Our partnership with leading energy consultants ensures expert delivery of your carbon pathway analysis.

Are you eligible?

Our energy experts are dedicated to helping Ottawa building owners and managers. Your building must be located within the Hydro Ottawa service territory to participate. Other eligibility criteria include:

Building type:

  • Existing commercial, institutional, and multi-unit residential buildings.
  • Industrial buildings are not eligible for this program. Learn more about other programs for businesses.
  • Single, semi-detached, townhomes, or any low-rise residential dwellings are not eligible for this program. Learn more about programs for homes.

Building ownership:

  • Legal entities incorporated or registered in Canada, including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
  • Federally owned buildings, including its departments and crown corporations are not eligible for this program.
Reducing building emissions

Join the Ottawa Retrofit Accelerator and fast track your carbon transformation today.

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If you need more information or have questions, our program experts are here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

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