Key Governance and Control

Hydro Ottawa has established a number of leading governance processes and controls to assist the Board and executive management in carrying out their oversight functions.

Risk Management

An extensive, corporate-wide risk management system has been established to track indicative and predictive measures of risk. Risk assessments are included with regular reporting to the Board on all areas of the Corporation’s operations.

Internal Audit

Hydro Ottawa conducts a rigorous internal audit program to verify controls and maximize business efficiency and effectiveness. A number of business processes and functions are audited annually based on an audit plan approved by the Board. The use of experienced auditors both internal and external to the Corporation ensures rigour and objectivity.

Business Continuity Plans

Plans are in place to ensure the continuance of critical operations in the event of a major emergency such as a pandemic, and to return the Corporation to normal operations as quickly as possible after such an event. They include detailed strategies for the re-assignment of resources to critical processes, and redundant supply arrangements with critical external suppliers.

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