Environmental Policy

Hydro Ottawa believes that business growth and achievements must be shared with respect for and protection of the environment. Hydro Ottawa acknowledges that integral to business success, is the establishment and continuous improvement of a safe and healthy workplace with sound environmental work practices and operations. It is our policy to conduct business in a manner that minimizes impacts on the environment.


This policy applies to all Hydro Ottawa employees, contractors and subcontractors while working within or outside of the company’s service territory.

Policy Directives

Hydro Ottawa:

  • is committed to continually improving our overall environmental management and performance;
  • is responsible and accountable for ensuring that the directives outlined in this policy are effectively implemented and maintained; and
  • firmly believes that a sustainable environmental management system will add value to our customers and our shareholder.

To facilitate this policy and fulfill our commitments, Hydro Ottawa will:

  • plan, implement and maintain a management system, based on our environmental impacts, including programs for improving environmental performance and reducing impacts;
  • clearly communicate and visibly demonstrate that protecting the environment and minimizing our impacts are important principles in our operations;
  • ensure that all employees at Hydro Ottawa, contractors and subcontractors are aware of their responsibilities related to conformance with this policy;
  • conduct operations in a manner that meets applicable legal and other requirements, prevents pollution and minimizes impacts on the environment;
  • actively encourage input from our employees to improve the effectiveness of Hydro Ottawa’s programs;
  • set realistic and measurable environmental goals across the organization; and
  • provide the appropriate resources that are required to meet the commitments of this policy.
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