Hydro Ottawa customers can now make the switch to Ontario’s new Ultra-low overnight electricity rate plan

October 17, 2023



OTTAWA – As of Friday, October 13, 2023, Hydro Ottawa residential and small business customers can submit a rate change request to switch from their existing electricity rate plan under the provincial Regulated Price Plan to Ontario’s new Ultra-low overnight electricity rate plan; which comes into effect on November 1, 2023. 

The new rates are designed to further incentivize customers to use electricity between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. when demand is low and electricity is less expensive. This could make Ultra-low overnight rates an economical option for those who use more electricity overnight, such as shift-workers, or for those who charge their electric vehicles while they sleep.

With Ultra-low overnight, the price depends on the day of the week and time of day that customers use electricity. Distinct from existing rate plans, the Ultra-low overnight electricity rate plan has four price periods: on-peak, mid-peak, weekend off-peak, and ultra-low-overnight. The new plan sets a very low price for the overnight period, however, the on-peak price is significantly higher. Details are available on Hydro Ottawa’s website.

Quick Facts

  • Hydro Ottawa does not earn any profit from electricity rates, no matter which plan customers choose.
  • Customers can request a rate change by phone, mail, through the MyAccount portal, or by emailing the rate selection form to [email protected]
  • Customers who do not wish to make a change will continue to be billed under their current rate plan. The option to change their rate plan will always be available, and will take effect in their subsequent billing cycle. 
  • The Ultra-low overnight rate option will be available to all individually-metered residential and small business customers. It will not be available to most commercial/industrial customers, or residential multi-unit buildings that are bulk metered.  
  • While Hydro Ottawa’s rate comparison tool is being updated to reflect the new Ultra-low overnight rate plan, customers looking to compare their monthly bill between their current rate plan and the new rates can use the Ontario Energy Board's bill calculator


“The province’s Ultra-low overnight electricity rate plan provides our customers with more choice and another option to consider based on their lifestyle and energy needs. Ultimately, the goal of electricity price thresholds and shifting electricity usage to off-peak hours is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate the strain on the power grid during peak times.”

- Bryce Conrad, President and Chief Executive Officer


Media Contact

Josée Larocque
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 7496

[email protected]

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