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Electricity Rate Selection
Customer Choice
Customer Choice is an Ontario Energy Board (OEB) initiative that allows Regulated Price Plan (RPP) customers to choose their electricity price plan.
How do I choose my electricity rate plan?
If you have your electricity supplied by Hydro Ottawa through the RPP and want to change your rate
Business Rates
Electricity Rates1 - Ef
Residential Rates
Electricity Rates1 - Ef
Rates & Conditions
Whether you’re a homeowner, a
Rate options FAQs
1 - What is Customer Choice?
Customer Choice is an Ontario Energy Board (OEB) initiative that allows Regulated Price Plan (RPP) customers to choose their
What to expect after switching electricity rate plans: Answering your top questions
Back in October 2020, the Ontario government released two electricity rate options for residential and small business customers (who are billed under the provincial Regulated Price Pla
Negotiating a balanced and responsible agreement while ensuring affordable electricity rates for its customers
A statement from Hydro Ottawa's President and CEO on the current labour disruption
When should I change my electricity consumption patterns to match my new rate plan?
The date on which you should start using electricity based on your new rate plan is the first day of your billing period on your new rate plan.
Rate Plan Comparison Tool
If you need help choosing which rate plan works best for you, you can take advantage of our Rate Plan