Showing results for 151 - 160 of 524
Hydro Ottawa enters into agreement with Hydro-Québec to acquire remaining hydroelectric assets at Chaudière Falls
Hydro Ottawa’s existing portfolio at Chaudière Falls includes six run-of-the-river hydroelectric generation plants, a 67 per cent interest in the Ring Dam, and all water rights.
Woodpeckers & Hydro Poles
The Complicated Relationship of Woody Woodpecker and Wooden Utility Poles
Waterpower is Ottawa's blue battery
Canada’s oldest hydroelectric generating station that’s still in operation today was commissioned right here in the nation’s capital in 1891. Generating Station No.
Hydro Ottawa provides update on IBEW strike
Ottawa, Ontario - July 11, 2023 - Hydro Ottawa activated its contingency plans when its employees represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) commence
Scam awareness: knowledge is power
During this unprecedented crisis, our customers don’t have to worry about their electricity being disconnected – despite what scammers may want you, or your elderly relatives and neighbours, to think. Here’s how to help seniors stay safe from scams during – and after – uncertain and stressful times such as the one we are in right now.
Small appliances: A tasty way to save energy
April showers bring May flowers.
Hydro Ottawa releases 2021 Annual Report
OTTAWA – Today, Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.
Hydro Ottawa releases 2019 Annual Report
OTTAWA – Today, Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.
Hydro poles: where do they come from? (Part 2)
Hydro poles - they’re all around us in the city. They are such a common motif that they almost blend into the background of our purview, rarely evoking much thought.
Conserve energy or be more energy efficient?
In May’s Electrifying a pan-Canadian electricity grid blog, we l