Hydro Ottawa committed to being one of the greenest utilities in Canada

April 22, 2016

Hydro Ottawa is the largest municipally owned producer of green power in Ontario, generating renewable energy at its run-of-the-river hydroelectric plants in Ottawa and Gatineau, in nearby communities in Eastern Ontario, and in upper New York State.

In 2009, Hydro Ottawa launched its Environmental Sustainability Strategy that has resulted in many successful initiatives aimed at reducing the impact of the utility’s operations on the environment.

Quick Facts

In addition to the above, some of the other reasons for Hydro Ottawa’s selection include:

  • Diverting 92 per cent of non-hazardous solid and liquid waste from landfill;
  • Increasing the number of fleet vehicles that have environmental benefits to 96, accounting for 40 per cent of all fleet;
  • Reducing annual paper usage by more than 50 per cent thanks to a new printer strategy;
  • Switching tens of thousands of customers to E-Billing by launching innovative marketing campaigns;
  • Purchasing 33 per cent of goods and services from local suppliers within a 100 km radius;
  • Co-leading the Electric Mobility Adoption and Prediction (EMAP) Ottawa project to analyze the potential effects of electric vehicles on our electricity system; and
  • Helping home and business customers reduce costs and environmental impacts through various energy saving programs.


“Having an ambitious strategic plan and setting equally ambitious targets has influenced the way we think about our business, how we operate efficiently on a daily basis, and how we can help our customers. Our recognition as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers continues to inspire us to be an environmentally healthy organization.”  
- Bryce Conrad, President and Chief Executive Officer

Media contact

Daniel Séguin
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 345
[email protected]

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