Hydro Ottawa crews continue to restore power throughout the City

July 1, 2016

As of 11 pm., Hydro Ottawa is still dealing with some damage to the electrical system, including downed power lines.

At the height of the storm, there were more than 14,100 customers without power, caused by high winds and fallen tree branches on wires. Hydro Ottawa crews have been working since the storm hit and will continue throughout the night to restore power to thousands of customers.

Hydro Ottawa initiated emergency response procedures following the storm. Crews have been deployed across the City on a priority basis, to ensure safety and restore outages.

Hydro Ottawa has numerous crews on full restoration mode.

We would like to thank our customers for their patience and understanding as restoration efforts continue.

If customers notice fallen power lines, they should stay a good distance away - at least 10 meters (33 feet). Customers should not attempt to clear away any trees or branches that may be touching a power line. It is recommended that customers call 911 immediately.

Customers may report power outages or electrical emergencies 24 hours a day by calling 613 738-0188.

Updates will be made through traditional and social media.

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