Hydro Ottawa customers are Paperless Heroes for CHEO

February 3, 2020

Ottawa, ON – Today, Hydro Ottawa presented CHEO with the funds from the 2019 Be a Paperless Hero, Go Paperless Campaign. From October 3 to December 31, 2019, more than 14,000 Hydro Ottawa customers registered for online billing or automated payments and each time Hydro Ottawa donated $5 to CHEO.

This marks the fifth consecutive year that Hydro Ottawa has formalized their commitment to the needs of patients at CHEO through a dedicated program. The 2019 ‘Go Paperless’ Campaign raised $70,865, bringing the five-year total to $471,310!

Thanks to the extraordinary support of Hydro Ottawa customers, CHEO was able to purchase much needed 24-hour blood pressure monitors for the Nephrology Department as well as biliblankets for babies with jaundice.

High blood pressure can often lead to kidney disease so physicians and nurses in the Nephrology Department who care for young patients already suffering from kidney illnesses must have accurate blood pressure readings to develop effective treatment plans.  

Jaundice occurs in newborns when a high amount of bilirubin is produced or when the liver is not mature enough to eliminate it. When this happens, the baby’s skin and eyes can appear yellow. A biliblanket can help to decrease bilirubin levels using phototherapy, whereby the baby’s skin is exposed to a special blue light. A biliblanket is a woven fibre optic pad which delivers high intensity light with no ultraviolet or infrared radiation.

Dr. Robert Myette, Pediatric Nephrology Fellow, expressed his gratitude today at the cheque presentation. “Blood pressure monitors are used throughout the hospital for many reasons. High blood pressure can lead to kidney disease, as well as be caused by kidney disease, so for the nephrology department, we are very grateful for this donation. One benefit of 24 hour readings is to allow a patient to go about their day – go to school, play with their friends – and be relaxed in their own environment, which will provide a more realistic blood pressure reading. Patients that come for appointments can often be nervous so having the technology to get several “real-time” readings is a huge benefit. For patients with kidney disease, monitoring blood pressure is vital to their care. We appreciate that we could update our current fleet of blood pressure monitors and help our patients to live their best lives.”

“It’s no surprise to us that Ottawa is full of heroes; our customers have proven this every year they’ve answered the call to help CHEO,” said Bryce Conrad, President and CEO, Hydro Ottawa. “Hydro Ottawa is passionate about giving back to the community and investing in local institutions that support children and youth. The funds raised by our customers will remove barriers and improve the health of patients at CHEO in real, meaningful ways. I can’t thank our customers enough for supporting our ‘Be a Paperless Hero’ campaign.”

The 2019 campaign was a fun, visual concept inviting Hydro Ottawa customers to Be a Paperless Hero which aligns perfectly with the CHEO Foundation’s theme of Be a Hero for CHEO. “There are many heroes among us – doctors and nurses who save lives, researchers working toward less toxic treatments, social workers helping families through tough days,” said Kevin Keohane, President and CEO, CHEO Foundation. “The biggest heroes of all are the patients who come to CHEO – with bravery and resiliency kids face tough diagnoses and are an inspiration to so many. Thank you to Hydro Ottawa and its customers for the continued dedication to help children and youth at CHEO.”

For more information:

Katrina Bussey
Director of Communications
CHEO Foundation

Daniel Séguin
Director, Communications and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 2345
[email protected]

About Hydro Ottawa:

Hydro Ottawa delivers electricity to more than 335,000 homes and businesses in Ottawa and Casselman. For 100 years, Hydro Ottawa has reliably supplied its customers with power, building and investing in the local electric grid. Proudly municipally owned, Hydro Ottawa contributes to the well-being of the community we serve. Its innovative services help customers manage their account and energy use.

About the CHEO Foundation:

The CHEO Foundation’s mission is to further the physical, mental and social well-being of children and their families in eastern Ontario and western Quebec by raising, managing and dispersing funds.

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