Hydro Ottawa employees to United States to help after hurricane

September 11, 2017

A group of 25 Hydro Ottawa employees are heading towards the southern United States today to assist with power restoration after Hurricanes Irma and Harvey devastated many communities. The team of skilled power line maintainers will assist in restoring power after high winds and flooding has left many in the dark.

Quick Facts

  • In 2012, Hydro Ottawa dispatched restoration crews to Connecticut and New Jersey during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. It has also sent employees on numerous occasions to help Canadian utilities affected by ice storms.
  • Hydro Ottawa is a member of the North Atlantic Mutual Assistance Group (NAMAG). Made up of 29 utilities from across north-east Canada and the United States, NAMAG members agree to deliver not-for-profit assistance during times of crisis.
  • Designed to increase coordination of resources and support, NAMAG empowers participating utilities to quickly action mutual assistance plans to restore power whenever and wherever assistance is needed. NAMAG utilities represent approximately 36 million customers.


“I would like to thank these employees for going above and beyond the call of duty to help our American neighbours in their time of need. Besides shelter and water, there is probably nothing more essential than electricity during a time of crisis.”
- Bryce Conrad, President and Chief Executive Officer

Media contact

Daniel Séguin
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 345

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