Hydro Ottawa at the heart of change: Supports CHEO with new E-Billing campaign

August 8, 2017

Now is the chance for Hydro Ottawa customers to ‘be at the heart of change’. The utility today announced its 2017 Go Paperless campaign, in which it pledges $5 to the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) for each customer who registers for E-Billing by December 31, 2017.

All money raised as a result of the 2017 Go Paperless campaign will help fund the purchase of a new portable Echocardiography Machine for CHEO’s neonatal intensive care unit. This machine is critical in rapidly providing neonatologists with pertinent information such as blood pressure inside the veins, heart and arteries, as well as blood flow and oxygen contained within it.

Hydro Ottawa will also donate an additional $5 for every customer who registers for an automated payment plan by December 31, 2017.

Registering for E-Billing is fast and easy. Learn more at hydroottawa.com/gopaperless.

Quick Facts

  • The benefits of E-Billing include a reduced environmental footprint, and the ability for customers to access what they need, when they need it.
  • Marking its fifth and most successful campaign to date, the Go Paperless campaign raised $101,805 for CHEO in 2016.
  • Last year’s donation resulted in the purchase of 41 new ‘paperless’ monitors, aiding medical staff in measuring a patient’s temperature, pulse, breathing rate and blood pressure.


“The Go Paperless campaign affords us the opportunity to support an organization that touches the people of Ottawa like no other while strengthening the environmental sustainability of our company.”
 - Bryce Conrad, Hydro Ottawa President and Chief Executive Officer

“Every day in CHEO’s NICU, world-renowned medical care is delivered to our community’s tiniest and most fragile patients. Thanks to Hydro Ottawa’s Go Paperless campaign, the purchase of this vital piece of equipment will be made possible. We are so thankful to Hydro Ottawa and their customers for making such a wonderful commitment to the health and well-being of patients in need,”
- Jacqueline Belsito, VP Philanthropy and Community Engagement, CHEO Foundation. 

Media Contact

Daniel Séguin
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 345
[email protected]

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