Hydro Ottawa releases 2021 Annual Report

June 22, 2022

OTTAWA – Today, Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. released its 2021 Annual Report, showcasing the company’s strong performance in adapting its operations, maintaining a reliable supply of power, and keeping employees and the community safe amidst the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hydro Ottawa also presented its 2021-2025 Strategic Direction, which highlights the company’s business strategy and financial projections, and informs stakeholders about how the company intends to respond to important trends in the business environment.

Board Chair, Jim Durrell, C.M., ICD.D, and President and Chief Executive Officer, Bryce Conrad, presented the company’s 2021 results as well as the strategic plan during the Annual General Meeting today with Ottawa City Council. They also provided an update on the extensive work performed by the company recently to restore power following the May 21, 2022 derecho storm.

Overall, Hydro Ottawa’s core mandate remains the same: to provide a safe, reliable, affordable, and renewable supply of electricity to approximately 353,000 homes and businesses that rely upon it every day, and to ensure a more sustainable energy future for its community.

Quick Facts

  • Hydro Ottawa’s 2021 consolidated net income was $47.3 million.
  • In accordance with the City Council-approved dividend policy, Hydro Ottawa’s dividend payment to the City will be $23.7 million this year, which will be used by the City to fund municipal programs and services.
  • The centrepiece of Hydro Ottawa’s 2021-2025 Strategic Direction is a commitment to achieving net-zero operations by 2030, a first for any municipally-owned utility in Canada.
  • Hydro Ottawa reached an important milestone in 2021 by achieving  Electricity Canada’s Sustainable Electricity Company™ designation, one of only 12 utility companies in Canada and three in Ontario to secure this recognition.
  • Hydro Ottawa achieved best-in-class reliability performance among industry peers in Ontario by leveraging technology and automation. On average, customers had power 99.987 per cent of the time in 2021.
  • During the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hydro Ottawa continued to support customers by maintaining flexible payment plans, responding to the need for working and learning at home by limiting planned power outages to critical situations only, and distributing more than $1 million in electricity relief funding to customers in need.
  • Hydro Ottawa achieved a 94 per cent overall customer satisfaction score, continuing the recent trend of high customer satisfaction. With more than 60 per cent of customers going paperless, Hydro Ottawa has also maintained the highest e-billing participation rate among Ontario distribution utilities and the second highest in Canada.
  • Through its renewable energy subsidiary, Portage Power, the company completed the second of two refurbishments of its hydroelectric stations in Québec in May 2021. With this station back online, Portage Power’s 128 MW generating fleet – the largest of any municipally-owned utility in Ontario – had a record year for green energy production.
  • Envari, the company’s energy and utility services business, made significant progress on two critical projects: the four-year, $57.2 million cogeneration system upgrade at Ottawa’s wastewater collection and treatment plant, and the installation of EV charging infrastructure for the City of Ottawa’s first set of electric buses.
  • In partnership with Zibi Canada and Kruger Products, Hydro Ottawa completed the construction and commissioning of the district energy plant which will provide zero-carbon heating and cooling to the Zibi community in downtown Ottawa and Gatineau.
  • Hydro Ottawa has entered into an agreement with the Ottawa International Airport Authority to review GHG reduction projects and support the airport’s commitment to achieve net zero operations.
  • Hydro Ottawa’s employee-driven charitable campaign raised more than $135,000 for the United Way of Eastern Ontario. The company also fulfilled its five-year, $1 million pledge in support of The Ottawa Hospital’s Rose Ages Breast Health Centre.



“Our employees are at their best when our community needs us most. Whether it’s an uncertain public health landscape or a devastating severe weather event, Hydro Ottawa has demonstrated time and again that we’re up to the task of overcoming incredible challenges. In the midst of disruption in our operating environment and greater complexity in our business, we remain firmly committed to meeting our customers’ strong expectations for safe, reliable, affordable and innovative service.”

- Jim Durrell, C.M., ICD.D, Chair, Board of Directors


“Every day I’m reminded of how remarkable a team we have at Hydro Ottawa. The extraordinary skill, dedication and sacrifice that our employees showed in helping our customers get back on their feet after the May 21 storm was just the latest chapter in a long legacy of putting our community first. We’re going to continue placing this talent and teamwork at the service of all our stakeholders, as we power the shift to a sustainable, prosperous and smart energy future.”

- Bryce Conrad, President and Chief Executive Officer


Media contact:

Josée Larocque
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 2345
[email protected]

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