Hydro Ottawa teams up with CHEO to help you be a ‘paperless’ hero

October 1, 2019

OTTAWA – October 1, 2019 – Spiderman, your grandma, your dad – we all have someone who was our hero growing up. Someone who we looked up to and inspired us to be the best version of ourselves. Hydro Ottawa hopes to encourage its customers to sign up for online billing to save time, resources, and be a ‘paperless’ hero for children in our community.

For every customer who registers for online billing between now and December 31, 2019, Hydro Ottawa will donate $5 to the CHEO Foundation. We will also donate an additional $5 for every customer who registers for an automated payment plan by December 31, 2019.

Registering for online billing is fast and easy. Simply visit hydroottawa.com/gopaperless.

Quick Facts

  • Online billing provides customers with a better way of doing business with us. It is convenient, easy to use, and secure! Paperless billing also reduces our environmental footprint.
  • Marking its seventh and most successful campaign to date, the 2018 ‘Go Paperless’ campaign raised $119,195 for CHEO. Last year’s donation went towards the Child Life program, a program that helps normalize a young patient’s time in hospital as much as possible through play.
  • The funds raised during this year’s campaign will go towards the purchase of urgently needed medical equipment throughout the hospital. In the Dialysis Clinic at CHEO, aging blood pressure monitors need to be replaced. The new ambulatory units will allow patients to go about their daily activities while critical health information is captured and analyzed by a specialist. This will give doctors, patients and families more accurate tools and greater peace of mind.
  • Since Hydro Ottawa began its online billing campaigns in 2015, it has raised more than $400,000 for CHEO.


 “In an increasingly digital age, we see going paperless as a step forward. We’re delighted to be partnering with CHEO again to encourage our customers to go paperless while supporting the kids at CHEO.”
 - Bryce Conrad, Hydro Ottawa President and Chief Executive Officer

 “We’re thrilled to be partnering with Hydro Ottawa to support a sustainable future that’s not only paperless, but helps children to thrive.”

- Jacqueline Belsito, VP Philanthropy and Community Engagement, CHEO Foundation

Media Contact

Daniel Séguin
Director, Communications
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 7684
[email protected]  

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