Heat pumps

Heating and cooling of homes and buildings contribute to nearly half of Ottawa’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Heat pumps use less energy than traditional systems because they move existing heat around rather than generating it, providing both heating and cooling in one efficient system.
Here's how they work: heat pumps efficiently transfer heat from one area to another using a refrigerant cycle. During colder months, they extract heat from the outside air or ground and transfer it indoors to provide warmth. In warmer weather, the process is reversed to remove heat from inside your home and release it outdoors for cooling.
By shifting your heating and cooling sources from fossil fuels to clean electricity, heat pumps offer an energy-efficient solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance your home's comfort. Even in cold climates like Ottawa, heat pumps efficiently provide both heating and cooling, making them a smart and sustainable choice that can save on energy costs, reduce emissions, and increase your energy efficiency.
Considering adding a heat pump to your home? Click here to learn more about incentives and rebates that can save you money on your heat pump purchase.
Learn more about heat pumps:
Why everyone's talking about heat pumps
Buying Guide: What is a heat pump and how does it work?
Explore heat pumps with NRcan
How heat pumps can reduce carbon emissions podcast