Solar panels | Hydro Ottawa

Solar panels

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Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, or solar panels, are among the most common ways residents can generate clean, renewable energy at home.

Solar panels harness sunlight to produce direct current (DC) energy, which is then converted to alternating current (AC) through an inverter. By using sunlight to generate energy to power your home and devices, you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower your energy bills, and keep essential systems running during power outages.

Want to maximize efficiency? You can enhance your solar setup by incorporating a battery storage system. This special battery allows you to store extra energy so you can use it later, like when it's dark outside or if the power goes out. Some systems even allow you to connect your electric vehicle charger, so you can drive your vehicle fuelled by the power of the sun. Now, that’s a bright idea!

Interested in adding solar panels to your home? Click here to learn more about incentives and rebates available to you and how you can save with solar.

Learn more about solar panels:

Resources 01

A homeowner harnesses the power of the sun

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Resources 01

Get the info you need to go solar. Download the CanREA Go Solar Guide.

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Resources 01

How to avoid main panel upgrades for your solar installation

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