Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO)

Similar to Time-of-use (TOU) rates, with Ultra-low overnight (ULO), the price depends on when you use electricity.

Ultra-low overnight has an additional price period, a different set of rates and offers an ultra-low overnight rate in exchange for a higher on-peak rate. 

With Ultra-low overnight pricing you are charged according to the day of the week and time of day that you use electricity. There are four price periods: on-peak, mid-peak, weekend off-peak, and ultra-low-overnight. The Ultra-low overnight plan sets a very low price for the overnight period, however, the on-peak price is significantly higher. 

This plan could be beneficial to those who consume a major portion of their electricity overnight, or to those who charge an electric vehicle overnight.

The Ultra-low overnight periods (hours) are the same in the summer as they are in the winter.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) sets Regulated Price Plan (RPP) prices based on its forecast of the cost to supply households and small businesses over the next 12 months. The Regulated Price Plan prices are set by the Ontario Energy Board on November 1 of each year.

Your electricity bill includes the costs for the electricity that you use, the services your local utility provides, and other costs of delivering electricity. Other charges may also appear on your bill related to your account.

Effective November 1, 2024, Ultra-low overnight customers are charged:

ULO price periods All year ULO Prices

Ultra-low overnight

Everyday 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

2.8 ¢/kWh

Weekend off-peak

Weekends and holidays 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

7.6 ¢/kWh


Weekdays 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.

12.2 ¢/kWh


Weekdays 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.

28.4 ¢/kWh

Weekends and holidays

On weekends and holidays, the following rates are in effect. View the Holiday schedule for time-of-use and ultra-low overnight.

This means:

  • For time-of-use - Off-Peak
  • For ultra-low overnight - Weekend off-peak and ultra-low overnight

Note: If a holiday falls on a weekend, the next weekday (that is not also a holiday) will have the holiday prices in effect all day.

Easter Monday is not a holiday recognized by the OEB for the purposes of calculating electricity consumption at weekend off-peak and ultra-low overnight pricing, and therefore regular ULO prices apply on this day.

Time-of-Use and Ultra-Low Overnight holiday schedule

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