Low-Income Energy Assistance Program

If you’re behind on your electricity bills, you may qualify for emergency financial assistance.

Low-income customers can get up to $650 in emergency financial assistance for their electricity bills ($780 if your home is heated electrically) through the Ontario Energy Board’s Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP).

Are you eligible to receive assistance through LEAP?

To receive the emergency financial assistance grant you must:

  • Be a Hydro Ottawa residential customer;
  • Be behind or in arrears on your electricity bill or may face having your service disconnected;
  • Have a family income below a certain limit (limits listed in the table below) and depend on two factors:
    • How many people live in the house
    • Your combined household income

The emergency financial assistance is provided on a first-come first-served basis. If you qualify, the grant will be applied directly to your Hydro Ottawa account.

LEAP qualification criteria by household income (after tax) and size:

Household after tax income ($)Number of people living in home
$38,000 or less
$38,001 – $54,000 
$54,001 – $65,000  
$65,001 – $71,000    

How do I apply?

To apply for LEAP, you will need to gather important documentation prior to contacting one of the resource centers (listed below) that submit LEAP applications on behalf of clients.

Step 1: Collecting your paperwork

You will be required to provide:

  • The most current electricity bill for your residence;
  • If applicable, a copy of your ‘’Notice of Service Disconnection’’;
  • Applicant identification (ID):
    • Two pieces of ID for the main applicant; and
    • One piece of ID for each member of the household;
  • A copy of a rental receipt, lease or mortgage document;
    • In lieu of a rental receipt or mortgage document intake agencies can accept:
      • A letter from a Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP);
      • An attestation from a legal clinic; or 
      • A landlord letter.
  • Proof of household income - cheque stub, employment letter, income tax return (for adult members of household); and
  • A copy of your most recent bank statement.

All of the above documentation must be provided for your application to be considered for submission.

Step 2: Status of your application

The resource center will submit your application to the LEAP agency.

With your consent, the agency may contact Hydro Ottawa and ask us to pause any further disconnection or collection activity on your account until a decision is made.

The LEAP agency will review your application, and determine your eligibility for the emergency financial assistance grant. They will communicate that decision to the resource center and Hydro Ottawa.

List of resource centres that can assist with your application

Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre
215-1980 Ogilvie Road
Gloucester, ON, K1J 9L3
Phone: (613) 741-6025
Website: eorc-creo.ca
Only assisting clients in their area

Somerset West CHC -
55 Eccles Street
Ottawa, ON K1R 6S3
Phone (613) 238-1220
Website: swchc.on.ca
Only assisting clients in their area

Financial Education Centre
290 Dupuis Street, Suite 116
Vanier, ON K1L 1A2
Phone: (613) 746-0400
Website: centre-ebo.com

South-East Ottawa CHC
600-1355 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON, K1H 8K7
Phone: (613) 737-5115 x2386
Website: seochc.on.ca

Housing Help
214-1335 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1Z 8N8
Phone: (613) 563-4532
Website: action-logement.ca
Contact us to request an in-person or telephone appointment.

South-East Ottawa CHC - Hunt Club/Riverside Office
3320 Paul Anka Drive
Ottawa, ON K1V 0J9
Phone: (613) 247-1600
Website: seochc.on.ca

Lowertown CRC
40 Cobourg Street
Ottawa, ON, K1N 8Z6
Phone: (613) 789-3930
Website: crcbv.ca
Only assisting clients in the lowertown area

Vanier CSC
290 Dupuis Street
Ottawa, ON, K1L 1A2
Phone: (613) 744-2892
Website: cscvanier.com

Orléans-Cumberland CRC Only assists residents of Orléans and Cumberland.
105-240 Centrum Boulevard
Ottawa, ON, K1E 3J4
Phone: (613) 830-4357
Website: crcoc.ca

Western Ottawa CRC
2 MacNeil Court
Kanata, ON, K2L 4H7
Phone: (613) 591-3686
Website: wocrc.ca
Only assisting clients in the WOCRC, PQCHC, NROCRC areas.

Rideau-Rockcliffe CRC
3-815 St. Laurent Boulevard
Ottawa, ON, K1K 1N1
Phone: (613) 745-0073
Website: crcrr.org
Only assisting residents in their riding; make an appointment via phone.

To learn more about LEAP, you can also visit oeb.ca/leap

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