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Start Landlord Reversion Program Agreement By submitting this Landlord Reversion Program Agreement (this “Agreement”), the property owner (“Landlord”) of the property/properties referred to herein (the “Premises”) represents and agrees to:
When Hydro Ottawa receives notification that the tenant will be moving, the Landlord or the Property Manager managing the Accounts, as applicable, will be advised via email by Hydro Ottawa when responsibility for the Accounts will be transferred to the Landlord. This Agreement helps ensure the Premises’ Accounts will not be disconnected by Hydro Ottawa during a change of occupancy. The Landlord agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Hydro Ottawa from any claims, demands, losses or proceedings by any entity against Hydro Ottawa arising from or in connection with this Agreement.
Cancel Current Landlord Reversion Program Agreement By submitting this Landlord Reversion Program Agreement Cancellation Request (this “Agreement”), the property owner (“Landlord”) of the property/properties referred to herein (the “Premises”) represents and agrees to:
Add/Update Time of Use (TOU) rates or Tiered rates or Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) rates option - only applies to an existing Landlord Transfer Agreement.
Update your existing Landlord Reversion Program Agreement to add or change your TOU rates, Tiered rates or ULO rates option.