Summer’s last camping trip is off-the-grid

“Summer’s over!”

Has someone uttered these words in your presence recently? The AUDACITY!

You won’t convince us that Labour Day marks the end of summer, or that we can’t wear white either. There’s still time and warm weather to enjoy the great outdoors well into September and even October. Whether you dare to wear white is up to you. 

While many of Ontario’s provincial parks close for camping after Labour Day, there are several that remain open until Thanksgiving weekend - so there’s still plenty of time to make summer memories. 

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In honour of the last hazy, lazy days of summer, we’ve put a list together to help you get on the road for perhaps (or perhaps not) your last camping trip of the season. Even better, you can leave electronic devices and the electricity grid in the rearview. So, pack up your car, trailer or RV and enjoy an electricity-free weekend of camping with our handy-dandy tricks and tips to save energy and take care of the environment. As a bonus, we’ve included ways that you can recycle these ideas when you’re back home.

Crank up the power

Investing in a good crank-powered radio and/or flashlight is one way to add safety to your camping trip without the need for batteries or electricity. You can pick up these devices for relatively low cost – or invest a bit more in one that has both a radio and a flashlight feature. These are great for the planet since they don’t need batteries and, when you get home, make a great addition to your emergency kit.

Step it up

Most adults will agree that sleeping on an air mattress makes camping much more enjoyable, but packing electric air pumps requires a power source. Instead, get your 10,000 steps in for the day (not really - it will only just feel that way), and opt for foot pumps to inflate your air beds (some even come with this feature built in). Look for pumps with different adapters so that you can bring them along on family bike rides back home in case of a flat tire in the middle of nowhere.

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Don’t soak up the sun

The sun can be both helpful and an annoyance when camping: full sun can heat up your tent quickly and can also reduce the efficiency of your cooler. Be sure to use energy from the sun for things like solar lights (a great way to add safety to your campsite at night) and battery packs, but with a DIY cooler insulating cover, you can harvest the power of the sun to actually keep your cooler cool. Repurpose those solar lights for your yard when you’re back home.

Hot tip: If your tent is relatively easy to put up, consider taking it down during the hottest hours of the day. This will prevent heat from getting trapped inside, making it cooler for sleeping in at night without the need for electric or battery-powered fans.

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More than hot dogs or sandwiches

We can all agree that hot dogs and s’mores by the campfire are one of the best parts of camping, but if you’re spending more than a day or two in the woods you may want to change up your meal plans. We’ve got you covered – here’s a menu for one whole day that can all be made without electricity:

  • Overnight oats are a great, filling breakfast that can be customized to each family member’s taste – and can be packed and eaten out of reusable containers like mason jars.
  • Try a camping charcuterie spread with your favourite meats and cheeses, and a selection of crackers, jams and fruit. This meal is especially great if you have younger kids with you (just call them lunchables).
  • Make it a fiesta by packing some nacho chips, salsa, shredded cheese, sour cream, beans, veggies and a few avocadoes. You can mix up some tasty guacamole on-site, and make a pan of nachos or quesadillas on the campfire for the whole family to enjoy.
  • Spending so much time outdoors can work up an appetite. Try these healthy, no-cooking-required snacks to keep you going all day: no-bake energy bites, apples and peanut butter (or nut-free butter for those with allergies), veggies and hummus, or trail mix.

We hope this list gives you some ideas for your (perhaps/perhaps not) last outdoor getaway this summer, but also encourages you to be energy conscious as you pack up. It’s an easy way to reduce your energy footprint, get back to nature and off the grid, and do your part for the environment.

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