Blogs & Articles
Stories and features on what’s happening at Hydro Ottawa, in our industry and in our community. Visit often to get the latest.

Warm and Fuzzy Winter Energy Saving Tips
Once the holidays are over, winter can feel unbearably long, especially for those who don’t enjoy the cold.

A Wattson Story of an Elf Off the Shelf
If you’re reading this, I need your help! I made a mistake and I need to fix it before I disappoint Santa Claus!

Fall Back to Energy Efficiency
It’s that time of year again, and this time we get that coveted extra hour of sleep!

Leaders Don't Need Titles
For those of us in the National Capital Region, 2018 will be most remembered for the six tornadoes that hit Ottawa-Gatineau

Weathering the Storm: A Look Back at the September 2018 Tornadoes
On September 21, 2018, six tornadoes ripped through Ottawa-Gatineau and surrounding areas; destroying homes, trees, hydro po

Three Ways We’re Making Energy Literacy Fun for Kids (and Adults!)
As kids are settling back into their school routines, it’s easy to hear the groans that come with that painful transition.