165,000 customers restored as Hydro Ottawa crews, assisted by contractors and Alectra Utilities make significant progress

September 23, 2018

As of 11:00 a.m. Monday, Hydro Ottawa has restored power to more than 165,000 customers throughout its service territory. An estimated 3,570 customers remain without power, mainly in the College and Knoxdale-Merivale wards where devastation was greatest. Crews will continue their restoration efforts until all residents are reconnected.

Hydro Ottawa’s efforts to restore power have been non-stop since a devastating storm surged through the Ottawa region late Friday. Working around the clock crews’ efforts have been bolstered by contractors as well as support from Alectra Utilities. As part of a mutual aid agreement, Alectra Utilities, which distributes power to Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe area, sent 18 employees to assist with restoration efforts. The team continues to work with Hydro Ottawa crews to bring electricity to the 3,570 customers that remain without power since Friday’s storm.

Affected residents in Craig Henry and Arlington Woods can expect power to be restored this evening. All available crews, contractors and utility partners are joining forces on this effort. Hydro Ottawa staff will be going door to door in the area to assist residents and advise whether residents will need ESA inspections and/or independent electricians will be required. Customer-owned equipment, such as a meter mast, may have incurred damage during this storm. The steps to get repairs completed are available on our website, as well as a diagram that illustrates the demarcation point between Hydro Ottawa and customer-owned equipment.

As more and more customers are restored, Hydro Ottawa is reminding residents to be judicious in their use of energy. Hydro Ottawa is asking customers to avoid turning on all electronics and appliances to avoid impacting the electricity supply.

Hydro Ottawa will continue to post information regarding these ongoing outages on our website, hydroottawa.com, on Twitter at @hydroottawa and on the power outage reporting and information telephone line at 613-738-0188.


“I am both proud and grateful to all of our employees who have been working tirelessly to restore power to the community following Friday’s storms. As I have noted, the grid has not seen damage this extensive since the 1998 Ice Storm and the devastation felt in some areas is shocking. I am also touched by the outpouring of support we have seen and felt within the community.”
- Bryce Conrad, Hydro Ottawa President and Chief Executive Officer

Media Contact

Rebecca Hickey
Supervisor, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel: 613-738-5499 ext. 2345

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