Hydro Ottawa responds to sentence under Occupational Health and Safety Act

March 29, 2016

Today, His Worship Justice of the Peace Mackey fined Hydro Ottawa $225,000 plus a 25% victim surcharge in relation to three offences for which it was convicted on July 13, 2015 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

This decision relates to a March 22, 2012 accident, which resulted in the death of Mr. Barry Robertson, a Dig Safe employee. Hydro Ottawa remains deeply saddened by this tragedy.

Dig Safe had been subcontracted by one of Hydro Ottawa’s civil construction contractors to perform work on a Hydro Ottawa project. Dig Safe was also charged in relation to this fatality, and pleaded guilty in November 2013.

Hydro Ottawa does not agree with the verdict or the penalty. We firmly believe that we were duly diligent in evaluating and selecting qualified and experienced contractors, in alerting our contractors to the hazards of working near energized power lines and in enforcing the use of safe practices to protect worker safety.

Safety is fundamental to how Hydro Ottawa does business. We are committed to preventing injuries and protecting the health and safety of our employees, contractors, subcontractors and members of the public.

Hydro Ottawa is reviewing its options in regards to this matter.

Media contact

Daniel Séguin
Manager, Media and Public Affairs
Hydro Ottawa
Tel.: 613-738-5499, ext.: 345
[email protected]

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