
Any damage to Hydro Ottawa property, either deliberate or accidental, must be reported to Hydro Ottawa by calling 613-738-6400.


Hydro Ottawa will reinstate the road-right of way, (the part outside the property line), back to the roadway standard. Reinstatement beyond roadway standard is the homeowner's responsibility with City permission (see Conditions of Service, Section 3.0.8).


At least 10 business-days prior to demolition/removal of a serviced structure, the land owner is obligated to contact Hydro Ottawa to arrange for disconnecting the service from the distribution system and removal of all Hydro Ottawa assets (see Conditions of Service, Section 1.5).

Locating Underground Electrical Distribution Infrastructure

You must arrange for an underground locate of all utility assets a minimum of seven (7) working days prior to excavating. You may arrange this free service by contacting Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255. A locator will visit the site, mark the location of any underground electric cables, and indicate any need for its protection. There shall be no mechanical excavation within 1.5m of Hydro Ottawa underground plant unless the exact position of plant is determined by hand digging methods. Depending on the case, either of the following fee-based services may be needed: direct supervision by Hydro Ottawa, or protection or support of the underground electrical distribution system.

Acute Shock Construction Process

Should rubbelization, blasting, or pile driving and compaction be used during construction, Hydro Ottawa shall be informed by calling 613-738-6400 for the Service Desk. Hydro Ottawa's work procedure UDS0022 "Protecting Electrical Distribution Underground Plant & Support Structures from Acute Shock Construction Processes" should be used. The developer shall remain responsible for any damage to Hydro Ottawa distribution infrastructure.

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