Hiring an Electrical Contractor

All electrical contractors must have a provincial electrical contractor licence to perform electrical work for clients. This is in accordance with Ontario government legislation and is enforced by Ontario's Electrical Safety Authority.

This legislation aims to prevent Ontarians from suffering injuries and property damage due to unprofessional and unsafe electrical work.

All licensed electrical contractors should be able to reference their license number, and it's your right to ask for it. The legislation is intended to make life easier for consumers and give them the peace of mind in knowing the contractor they've hired is qualified, competent and insured.

Between 2003 and 2012, 71 Ontario workers and homeowners were killed by electrocution. Between 2002 and 2011, 28,508 electrical fires occurred. Hiring a licensed electrical contractor can help ensure your safety and that of your family, and help reduce these numbers in the future.

If you're looking to hire a licensed electrical contractor to do electrical work on your property, a listing is available online.

Don’t hire just any electrician. They must be a Licensed Electrical Contractor. It’s the Law.

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