This net metering bill example allows you to find detailed explanations quickly and easily for each section of the generation portion of your bill.

Generation Credits Applied: This is the generation credit applied towards your electricity costs in the current billing period.
Generation Credits Carried Forward: This is the accumulated credit brought forward from your previous billing periods. Please see Cumulative Months of Generation for more information.
Generation Credits Earned: This is the generation credit earned that is based on the generation supplied to the grid during the current billing period.
Write-off of Excess Generation Credits: This is any excess generation credit that has been written off from your generation account in the current billing period. If you generate more electricity than you use, the excess is carried forward as a non-monetary credit on your account.
As per Net Metering Regulation (O. Reg. 541/05), an accumulated credit balance will be written off when a generation credit balance has been carried forward for more than 12 months. In example (I.E.): The bill line item “Generation Credits Carried Forward” will be written off at the start of the current billing period if, in the previous billing period, the “Cumulative Months of Generation” was 12.
Generation Closing Credit Write-off: This is the generation credit that have been written off when a generation account is closed.
Generation Credit Balance: This is the accumulated credit balance on your generation account after any adjustment made in the current billing period.
Cumulative Months of Generation: This is the total cumulative months of any generation credits that have been carried forward from previous bills. This number changes from month to month depending on any accumulated credit balance. As per Net Metering Regulation (O. Reg. 541/05), an accumulated credit balance will be written off when a generation credit balance has been carried forward for more than 12 months. In example (I.E.): The bill line item “Generation Credits Carried Forward” will be written off at the start of the current billing period if, in the previous billing period, the “Cumulative Months of Generation” was 12.
Credits Based on Delivery Charges: This is the generation credit based on the Delivery Charges during the current billing period.
Credits Based on Regulatory Charges: This is the generation credit based on the Regulatory Charges during the current billing period.
Tiered rates
kWhr Elec. Credit Tier 1/Crédit d'élec. palier 1
kWhr Elec. Credit Tier 2/Crédit d'élec. palier 2
Time-of-use rates
kWhr Off-peak credit/Crédit période creuse
kWhr Mid-peak credit/Crédit période médiane
kWhr On-peak credit/Crédit période de pointe
Ultra-low overnight rates
kWhr Off-peak credit/Crédit période creuse
kWhr Mid-peak credit/Crédit période médiane
kWhr On-peak credit/Crédit période de pointe
kWhr Overnight credit/Crédit période de nuit
Account History: This is your generation Account History. Depending on your rate plan it includes a breakdown of your average Tiered, TOU or ULO electricity generation.