DER connection process & application forms

We want to keep your DER application and connection process as easy as possible.

Every DER request is first reviewed for generation output capacity within our system and then we assess the impacts of the request on our grid. Factors that we take into consideration are location, generator type, intended use and the proposed power output. Please refer to the OEB - Distributed Energy Resource Connection Procedures and ECG0006: Embedded Generation Connection Guideline for process and requirements.

Step 1 – Apply for a feasibility assessment: complete the Service Request form and select net metering if this DER will inject to the grid. Within 15 days (minimum, up to 60 days for more complex projects), if there is capacity in the grid to host your DER, a Service Layout will be generated and sent to you. The Service Layout will indicate actions that both you and Hydro Ottawa are responsible for, and include a quotation for the portion of work that will be completed by Hydro Ottawa. This information will be provided to you or your contractor, depending on the contact included when submitting the service request. Note: There is no capacity to host DERs on the feeders listed here.

Step 2 – Payment is required before Hydro Ottawa work can commence work. Please note that service layouts are valid for 30 days.

Step 3 – Hydro Ottawa will coordinate with the customer to schedule work based on the service layout outlines. Please note that all preparatory work must be finished and the Electrical Safety Authority permit to energize must be received to allow for Hydro Ottawa to complete work and energize your system.

Step 1 – Complete a Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR) and send it to [email protected], This will create a unique case number for your project. For any future communication, please mention the case number in the email subject line. If there is capacity on the grid, you will receive a Preliminary Consultation Report (PCR) identifying early on the obvious technical, financial and timeline considerations to have your proposed DER connected. Hydro Ottawa will also involve Hydro One and/or the IESO on behalf of the proponent as needed.

Step 2 – Apply for a Connection Impact Assessment (CIA): complete the Connection Impact Assessment application form. Instructions to complete the form are available here- CIA Modification Guide and CIA Instructions. Please include the technical drawings plus submit payment. The application and drawings need to be stamped and signed by a professional engineer who is licensed in the province of Ontario and in good standing. Within 60 days (minimum, longer for larger or more complex projects), if there is capacity in the grid, you will receive the technical assessment and requirements with a high level cost estimate for the DER to connect. The CIA expires after six months.

NOTE: Please ensure that the case number from earlier correspondence, such as for the Preliminary Consultation Information Request, is in the subject line of every correspondence by email or post-mail. Replying to the same email thread is best.

Step 3 – Apply to connect the DER: if you wish to proceed after reviewing the Connection Impact Assessment, inform Hydro Ottawa (refer to the PCIR/PCR case number and use the same email thread as past) and Hydro Ottawa will provide an Offer to Connect  that includes a more detailed scope and estimate for Hydro Ottawa’s work to connect.

Step 4 – Sign the Offer to Connect and return it with payment to Hydro Ottawa before the expiry date. This will start the process for getting the DER project through construction to in-service. Hydro Ottawa will arrange a pre-construction meeting to ensure an understanding of the project scope, timeline, cost, roles and responsibilities and applicable standards.

Step 5 – You prepare the DER for commissioning, including having the Electrical Safety Authority connection authorization. Hydro Ottawa  must witness the commissioning.  Once the DER passes the commissioning and the legal agreements with Hydro Ottawa have been signed by all parties, Hydro Ottawa will allow the DER to officially start production.

Connection charges and payment process

Generators are responsible for certain administrative and service charges, which cover the costs of setting up and maintaining an account and connecting renewable generation projects to Hydro Ottawa's electricity distribution system.

  1. Micro-generation (10 kW AC or less)
    Account setup charge- $28
    MicroFIT Monthly service charge- $15 (per generator service point)

  2. Generation more than 10 kW AC
    Account setup charge- $28
    FIT Monthly service charge- $82 (per generator service point)
    Administration charge*- $158

  3. Hydroelectric Contract Initiative (HCI), Ontario Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP) and Other Energy Resource
    Account setup charge- $28
    Monthly service charge- $338 (per generator service point)
    Administration charge*- $158
    * This one-time flat charge applies to all new energy resource facilities when there is an assignment of contracts that requires legal services and service entrance assessments by Hydro Ottawa.

Effective November 1, 2021, the Net-Metering monthly service charge no longer applies until further notice. Future adjustments may be required subject to provincial regulations and legislations, program intake, as well as administrative and operational needs.

  1. Micro-generation (10 kW AC or less)

    Assessments to connect these Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are complementary up to three assessments per premise per calendar year. Instructions for payment to connect the DERs are provided in the service layout.

  2. Generation more than 10 kW AC

    DER Preliminary Consultation Information Requests (PCIR) - complementary up to three assessments per premise per calendar year

    DER Applications for projects greater than 10kW - Hydro Ottawa’s Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) costs are as follows (based on the total DER capacity within the premise):

    • Small generators (≤500 kW connected at <15kV , OR ≤1,000kW if connected at ≥ 15kV): $ 1,000 plus HST
    • Medium size generators (10 MW or less): $ 4,750 plus HST
    • Large generators (Greater than 10 MW): $ 5,700 plus HST

NOTE: Depending on your payment method, please follow the instructions below. There are different requirements for each payment method (Credit Card, EDI and Cheque). Currently, we are unable to accept payments by Interac (e.transfer).

  1. Online payment via Credit Card

    • Go to:
    • Use the “Service Invoice” option
    • The “Reference Number” field should be as follows: DER case number + CA.
    • Add zeros at the beginning to meet the 12-digit length requirement (example: 0000123456CA)

  2. EDI (via online banking)

    • If you are already set up as a payee with Hydro Ottawa, change the Hydro Ottawa customer account number to: DER case number + CA.
    • Add zeros at the beginning to meet the 20-digit length requirement (example: 000000000000123456CA)

  3. Cheque

    If you are not planning to include a hard copy of the paperwork along with the cheque, it is recommended that you submit the necessary paperwork to the DER team via email at [email protected] in advance to ensure timely processing.

    • Make cheque payable to Hydro Ottawa
    • DER case number and address should be noted on the cheque memo line/remittance
    • Payment should be mailed to:
      Hydro Ottawa
      PO Box 8700
      Ottawa, Ontario
      K1G 3S4
      ATTN: CIA Asset Management & Planning

Payment Notification: Regardless of payment method, once you have made your payment, please send a payment notification email to: [email protected] and [email protected].

Please include your CIA case number and address as well as any payment confirmation details (i.e. Paymentus confirmation).

A standby charge (fixed and variable) applies each month for customers with load displacement generators greater than or equal to 500 kW. The variable standby charge is based on contracted standby demand (kW) and the difference of peak demand when the generator is on and peak demand when the generator is off multiplied by the applicable standby variable charge listed below. Where there is no contracted standby demand, the variable standby charge is based on the difference of peak demand when the load displacement generator is on and peak demand when the load displacement generator is off multiplied by the applicable standby variable charge.

Monthly service charge: $183.33

Variable charge - General service 50-1,499 kW customer: $2.4465/kW*

Variable charge - General service 1,500-4,999 kW customer: $2.2441/kW*

Variable charge - General service large user customer: $2.4904/kW*

*per kW or ∙∙∙∙∙∙kV·A of billed backup demand

List of restricted feeders

The restricted feeders listed apply regardless of the program and regardless of the DER energy source type.

The following feeders have short circuit constraints, thus any fuel source or size of DER cannot be hosted on these feeders. Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR)  can be submitted to learn if alternative interconnection options are available.

Station- Slater TS:
Feeders: 601, 602, 605, 608, 612, 614, 615, 620, 622, 623, 626, 632, SAT2, TL4TS, TK4TS.

Ellwood MTS:
All feeders prefaced by ELW, AN and AF; plus feeders AQ01 to AQ07, UA05 to UA07, and UZ10 to UZ12.  Restriction on any feeder backed up by Ellwood MTS, such as those prefaced by AE and AJ, will be determined during the DER connection impact assessment.

For feeders that are thermally constrained, Hydro Ottawa will work with the Proponent on acceptable solutions.

DER standards and other resources  >


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