Blogs & Articles

Stories and features on what’s happening at Hydro Ottawa, in our industry and in our community. Visit often to get the latest.
Spreading the buzz on electricity: 4 ways Hydro Ottawa’s engaging students

Spreading the buzz on electricity: 4 ways Hydro Ottawa’s engaging students

What happens when you pack dozens of primary school students in a gymnasium and try to teach them about electricity?

A two-year job interview to find the best

A two-year job interview to find the best

Hydro Ottawa’s partnership with Algonquin College is paying off.

Take Your Customers Up, Up and Away!

Take Your Customers Up, Up and Away!

How drones are changing the face of customer communication.

We Work Here, We Give Here!

We Work Here, We Give Here!

Giving back is an important part of Hydro Ottawa’s culture.

Put the Customer at the Centre of Everything

Put the Customer at the Centre of Everything

Back in 2011, Hydro Ottawa created its five-year Strategic Direction

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