Public Safety Tips

Public Safety Tips

Public safety is the top priority, as Hydro Ottawa crews work to restore power after a devastating tornado caused significant power outages. These tips can help you stay safe:

  • Stay back from damaged electrical equipment, including loose or dangling electrical lines or fallen hydro poles. Treat downed power lines as live and dangerous. Stay 10 metres away and call 911 immediately;
  • Remain more than 10 metres away from any hydro crews as they complete their repairs in a safe manner;
  • When traffic signals are out, always treat intersections as 4-way stop;
  • Use a flashlight instead of candles. If you must use candles, use proper candleholders and never leave lit candles unattended;
  • Turn thermostat down to minimum and unplug all appliances, electronic equipment and tools to prevent injury, damage to equipment and fire.

Portable Generators

Portable generators can provide security and comfort during power outages. However, they can create electrical shock and fire hazards if connected or used incorrectly.

Follow these tips to ensure you’re using your generator safely:

  • Never use a generator indoors because they produce fatal carbon monoxide fumes; set them up outside away from windows, doors or vents to your house or your neighbour’s house;
  • If you’re buying a generator, make sure it has a mark from an approved certification agency. Markes can be found on ESAs website;
  • Don’t attach a portable generator directly to your home’s electricity system. It could cause power to flow back into the power grid and electrocute you or a utility worker, or damage the system;
  • If you want to permanently connect your generator to your home’s system this requires an electrical permit. The generator should be connected by a Licensed Electrical Contractor.

Get the appropriate help. If you have a medical or fire emergency during a power outage, call 9-1-1 for emergency services.

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