Showing results for 181 - 190 of 725
The Digital World of Energy: A New Era
According to a 2019 Canadian Internet Registration Authority report, only 15 per cent of Canadians reported being off the grid for a week or more – completely unplugging from the technology around them.
Tech, family, March Break: GO!
If you’re only 40, but your kids roll their eyes and say “OK, Boomer” every time you suggest a fun family activity, it might be time to mix things up (and perhaps limit their access to
The People Behind Electricity: Part 1
As we go about our day-to-day lives, it’s easy to see some of the new, innovative technologies and infrastructure that contribute to powering homes and businesses across our city.
Generational power: from Boomers to Gen Z
Energy consumption looks a little different for everyone. We all have different needs, habits and routines that alter how much electricity we typically use.
Scam awareness: knowledge is power
During this unprecedented crisis, our customers don’t have to worry about their electricity being disconnected – despite what scammers may want you, or your elderly relatives and neighbours, to think. Here’s how to help seniors stay safe from scams during – and after – uncertain and stressful times such as the one we are in right now.
5 summer tips to save on your electricity bill
Spring is in the air and so is the prospect of summer.
COVID-19: Shifting how we use energy
In a matter of just a few months, we’ve seen our world transformed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and our way of living changed with it.
Hydro Poles: Where do they come from?
You’ve heard of Christmas tree farms, but is there such a thing as a hydro pole tree farm? It’s a question we hear often, from both kids and adults alike – so we asked our experts.
Sustainable systems: A look at district energy
In case you’re looking for validation that we’ve been having an unusually hot summer, the data doesn’t lie.