Showing results for 671 - 680 of 729
Outage Info
Our outage map is updated every 15 minutes and includes information on where an outage has occurred, approximately how many customers are affected, the status of our c
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Power Out?
Holiday meals that won't make you a Grinch
You don’t have to be a Who to be a Who’s Who at holiday entertaining.
Ottawa’s first carbon neutral community is here
What happens when you use a network of hot and cold water pipes, bury them underground, and then use them to efficiently heat and cool buildings – or even whole communities?
Types of DERs (Emergency back-up, Net metering, Load displacement and Stand-alone)
Four options exist for connecting energy sources like generators and batteries into your home or business electrical system:
DER standards, agreement & other resources
Please find standards, sample agreement, resources, and Frequently Asked Questions related to Distributed Energy Resources listed below.
What is battery storage and why does it matter?
Remember the excitement of receiving gifts as a child, only to find that the batteries weren’t included?
An in-depth look at Hydro Ottawa’s grid maintenance
At Hydro Ottawa, delivering safe, reliable power is at the heart of what we do.