Showing results for 651 - 660 of 729
Our Smiles Brighter
See yourself in a new light
Higher power: We’re on the job during winter storms
We can all remember a time when the lights have gone out.
Our Families Happier
Long lasting, ENERGY STAR & Energy Efficiency
Spreading the buzz on electricity: 4 ways Hydro Ottawa’s engaging students
What happens when you pack dozens of primary school students in a gymnasium and try to teach them about electricity?
Land Acknowledgement
The meaning of land acknowledgement
Following the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, in 2015, the custom of land acknowledgement was revived to
I am a net metering customer, where can I see my usage data?
Starting November 11, 2024, you can view or download your usage and generation data online through MyAccount.
I am a net metering customer and I generate my own electricity. Can I see how much I have generated on my online account?
Yes, you can view your usage and generation data in MyAccount. Click the Usage icon to explore detailed information from September 1, 2024, onward.
Outage Map
Get a clearer picture with our improved Outage Map.
Data Request
There are several methods available to customers wishing to obtain more energy usage data than what is included on their bills:
Downed Power Lines
Overhead power lines and equipment such as poles may be broken by storms, ice, equipment failure, or vehicle accidents.